Last Civvies Day – Wednesday, May 29th
Our last Civvies Day for the school year is Wednesday, May 29th. This month's donations will go towards Six Nations Language Commission. Please remember to pay your donation on School Cash Online.
Our last Civvies Day for the school year is Wednesday, May 29th. This month's donations will go towards Six Nations Language Commission. Please remember to pay your donation on School Cash Online.
Click Here to Register
This is just a reminder that Monday, April 8th is a PD Day. There is no school for students on this day. We will welcome all students back on Tuesday, April 9th.
School Climate Survey for Families This survey will be available from March 27th until April 14th, 2024. We value your feedback as a parent / legal guardian of a student in our school. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and share your opinions with us. We want to learn about your [...]
Our Semester 2 Student/Parent/Teacher interviews are taking place in person on Thursday, April 4th from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm & again from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Please enter through the front door. Each interview is limited to 10 minutes per teacher. Our booking site will go live on Monday, April 1st at 9:00 [...]
As mentioned in our communication at the start of the second semester, we will be striving to educate students and families about various topics that affect our high school students. This is the first of many of these informative newsletters/messages. Below, you will find an invitation to a virtual event that can also be viewed [...]
Good afternoon, Monsignor Doyle community. Every year on March 21, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks. March 21 is symbolic because people with Down syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome (3/21). In support of World Down Syndrome Day, please feel free [...]
Check out the latest artwork by our Grade 11 students at our Virtual Exhibit Page
Get a HeadStart to Grade 9 is a voluntary, value-added summer support program offered FREE for Grade 8 students entering Grade 9. This program is only available to students enrolled in our Catholic Secondary Schools each September. Grade 9 is an exciting, yet challenging milestone. BE PREPARED for those first few weeks/months of Grade 9 at our Catholic [...]
Here is a snippet from the website,, that explains the origins of Pink Shirt Day.