future mustangs (1)

All You Need to Know to be a Mustang

  1. You will look cool in a Doyle uniform.
  2. Doyle does have a second floor.
  3. We still call the 20 year old addition, the “New Addition”.
  4. Going to the Principal’s office isn’t always bad.
  5. Your locker combination takes some practice. Don’t stress if you don’t get it on your first try (video instructions).
  6. Doyle has over 1000 fantastic students.
  7. The Learning Commons is open during lunch if you need to use a computer or get some work done.
  8. Many of Doyle’s staff members are former graduates of Monsignor Doyle.
  9. Getting involved in something will help you feel more connected.
  10. It’s only 4 years, but it can be the best 4 years!

Each Grade 9 will have:

8 Courses Total – 6 Compulsory and 2 Electives (Art, Business and/or Physical Education)
Course Levels available – Locally Developed, Open, and De-streamed.  We also offer Community Living and ACTIVE Programs in our Special Education Department.

Choose your Courses using myBluePrint
Due Date: February 28th, 2025

Click on the images below to view the presentations.

The Next Step: Transitioning to High School is a presentation specific to Monsignor Doyle and our incoming Grade 9’s. Check it out so you know what you need to do to be prepared for High School. grade 8 2018 school visit
Entering Secondary School is a board created document to help students moving from Elementary school to High School.
Grade 8 Parent Night presentation

HeadStart is a voluntary, value-added summer support program offered for FREE for Grade 8 students entering Grade 9.  Although this program is NOT mandatory, it is very popular and extremely helpful in helping with the transition to high school.  A separate registration for HeadStart is required through St. Louis. This program is only available to students enrolled in our Catholic Secondary Schools each September.

Information on the program will be sent to the elementary schools and will be available online on the St. Louis website.  Registration will take place in Spring 2024.

HeadStart to Grade 9

At Doyle we pride ourselves in doing what we can to support our students.

  1. Teachers
  2. Guidance
  3. SST (Student Support Center)
  4. Special Education
  5. Chaplain
  6. Child Youth Workers (CYW’s)


Lockers are assigned and have locks attached to them. Your locker number can be found in your student portal when registration is completed. Your locker combination will be given to you either by email or attached to your timetable (lock opening instructions).

Daily Schedule

Regular Day
Period 1: 8:36-9:51
Period 2: 9:57-11:12
Lunch:  11:11-11:58
Period 3: 12:04-1:19
Period 4: 1:25-2:40


Here is what a timetable looks like. Click for a larger image.

Student Portal

You will be able to access locker information and your student timetable through the Student Portal from Aspen. Click here for instructions.

Check out all the creative ways you can style your Doyle Uniform!

We have Non-Uniform days too. Civvies days and Spirit Wear days

Civvies days are days that you can wear your own fashion by donating to a chosen cause. Spirit Wear days are every Wednesday and student can wear Spirit wear tops from Teams, Clubs and Events that have been created with the Doyle logo.

Still Need more info?

At Doyle there is lots of ways of getting involved, from Sports and Clubs to performances and service learning. To learn more click on the links below.

   Extra Curriculars


To Graduate students require the following:

  1. 30 credits – learn more
  2. 40 hours of community service – learn more
  3. Completion of the Literacy Test (written in Grade 10) – learn more
  4. Completion of 2 online/e-learning courses (opt-out available)

Once a Mustang, Always a Mustang

Here is how we celebrate our graduates success even after they leave us. Sample Alumni Promo

Check out the full page @ Spotlight on Alumni

Once online registration is completed, you will be emailed to confirm registration and asked to come into our guidance department to present proof of address and your child’s birth certificate. As well, you will also be asked to submit a paper copy of your child’s course selections.  If you have any difficulties with the registration process, please contact our guidance office at 519-622-1290 extension 5631.

As you start your highschool career, it’s important to think about pathways for grade 11 and 12 as well. Here are some options for learning beyond the classroom, called Experiential Learning Opportunities



You Asked, We Answered

Community Service Hours

Differences in Highschool

Events and Extra Curriculars

The School Day
