School Supports
- Attendance counselling – trying to discover reasons behind student absenteeism and strategize possible solutions
- Address and dialogue with students regarding any behavioural issues in the class and create a plan for the cessation of such behaviours
- GSA group – Heart Club – meets weekly in Learning Commons at lunch
- Crisis counselling intervention
- Co-ordinate team meetings with parent/ guardian, administration, support staff (social worker, attendance counsellor) when deemed appropriate
- Liaise with community partners such as YMCA Settlement Workers, CJI Mediators, WRPS School Resource Officers and Ray of Hope counsellors
- Liaise with outside facilities and agencies, i.e. Mosaic Counselling, K-W Counselling, CAIP, etc.
Community Supports
Here 24/7 at 1(844) 437-3247 or www.here247.ca
9 Wellington St, Cambridge, ON N1R 3Y4Kids Help Phone at 1(800) 668-6868.
Safe Space LGBTQ2+ Supports
Mental Health & Counselling
WCDSB Mental Health & Wellbeing
Front Door (519) 749-2932
Is your family struggling with mental health, conflict or parenting challenges? If so, the walk-in counselling program at Front Door can help.KW Counselling 519-884-0000
Walk in – Thursday: 12pm – 6pm at 480 Charles St East, Kitchener, OntarioShalom Counselling Services Waterloo 519-579-9690
9 Avondale AV S, Waterloo, On
Hospice Waterloo Region (519) 743-4114
298 Lawrence Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2M 1Y4
- Provides support to teens and children who have experienced the death of a loved one. Irena at; www.hospicewaterloo.ca
Bereaved Families of Ontario-Midwestern Region 519-894-8344
The Coping Centre (519) 650-0852
1740 Blair Rd, Cambridge, On
- Offers a peaceful place for support, understanding, compassion and encouragement in the uniqueness of one’s grief journey. ; www.copingcentre.com.
Bereavement Resource Centre 519-745-2195
Kids Link, Early Intervention 519-741-1122
170 Kings St East, Suite 5, Kitchener
Substance Abuse
Ray of Hope (519) 578-8018.
230-659 King St. East Kitchener, ON N2G 2M4
St Mary’s Counselling (519) 662-9555.
The Community Outreach Program (519) 742-8327.
Helps families link with community resources such as: recreation/summer camps – fees and subsidies, food supports, clothing supports, child care and other family needs. Contact the Community Outreach Worker closest to you at (519) 742-8327.