Have you Done Yours?
Due on March 1st 2025

The information below is meant to help parents and students make informed choices. Please feel free to contact the guidance staff if you have any more questions.

Course Selection Parent/Guardian Approval:

Course Selections can be completed by students and approved by parents/guardians electronically in myBlueprint. Once students submit their course selections, they will be asked to input their parent/guardians email address. Parents/Guardians will receive an email and must approve of the course selections. Or, if families prefer a paper copy, course selections can be printed after they are submitted in myBlueprint. Parents/Guardians can sign the paper copy and return them to the Guidance department by March 1st.

Current Grade 12 Students:

  • If you have applied to college and/or university, you cannot choose courses for next school year.
  • If you wish to return for an additional semester and have not applied to post-secondary, you must contact your Guidance Counsellor for next steps. Grade 12 students will not be able to input courses in myBlueprint without speaking with Guidance first. If you wish to return for a full year, please book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor to discuss. Course selections will be due March 1st.
The Co-op Program Selection Form needs to be completed by March 1st.

1) Students choose their courses in myBlueprint including Co-op (which will take two spaces).

2) Students then need to complete the Co-op Program Selection form electronically before March 1st.

Experiential Learning allows students to experience learning outside of the classroom and discover what real life work experiences can be like.

Experiential Learning Opportunities include:

  • CO-OP – Co-operative Education Program
  • SHSM – Specialist High Skills Major
  • CCEP – College Cooperative Education Program
  • UCEP – University Cooperative Education Program
  • SWAC – School within a College Program
  • Exploring the Trades
  • CAPP – College Apprenticeship Preparation Program
  • Summer Coop

Please use this LINK to explore the full range of WCDSB Experiential Learning Opportunities.