Doyle students give back in a lot of different ways. This page is dedicated to that and the service our Mustangs take on to make our community a better place
Paid Civvies
Every month students have the opportunity donate $2 to a charity to where non-uniform clothing.
Paid Civvies October – $1521.70 (Donated $1000 to Dominican Encounter and $521.70 to Courtyard project)
Paid Civvies November – $1469.90 (Donated to Cambridge Shelter)
Total Funds Raised
School Events
Dunks for Doyle – $431.00 (donated to Courtyard Project)
Toonies for Terry – $281.45 (Donated to Terry Fox Foundation)
SAC Coffee House Night – $490.25 (Donated to Brief Moment Fundraiser)
Cambridge Firefighters Christmas Basket Fund – $1361.90