2024/2025 Evaluation Schedule

Semester One: January 24 – 29th (Extra day is January 30th, should there be any transportation cancellations)

Semester Two: June 20 – 25th (Extra day is June 26th, should there be any transportation cancellations)

8:35 am – 10:35am – buses depart at 10:50 am

Students are not to be in the hallways, they must go to Lowry Hall or home after being dismissed from class. Students who have completed their work, may be dismissed after 75 minutes and must leave the school or go to Lowry Hall.

Credit Rescue can begin 1 pm or at teacher’s discretion

Credit Rescue Days – Students needing this time will be asked to come in on the extra day.  There is no student transportation on these days.

Extra Day – If buses are cancelled, everything shifts one day.

Important Note: Students are expected to be in class for each of their evaluation days.  Please refrain from scheduling family vacations or other trips during this time.