Majors Offered at Monsignor Doyle
- Arts & Culture
- Business
- Construction
- Environment
- Health & Wellness
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Information & Communications
- Justice, Community Safety
- Manufacturing
- Sports
- Transportation
What Courses will I need to Take?
Each Major requires you to take specific courses in order to earn your Red Seal. Many of the courses, you will already be taking and others are specific to the major you choose.
The links below will show you the course options for each major.
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) encourages you to focus your secondary school education toward a career area of your choice.
No matter whether you plan to go to work, apprenticeship, or college/university you can earn a SHSM. The SHSM symbol on your diploma lets employers and post secondary education know that you have knowledge, skills, and industry-recognized qualifications related to a particular career field.
Trips and Training
To sign up for Training and Certifications, please visit
To contact someone at the board office regarding your SHSM email: