What is an apprenticeship?
- A combination of on-the-job- training and classroom instruction.
- 80-90 % of apprenticeship training is provided in the workplace.
- 10-20 % involves classroom instruction on theory, which is usually given at a local community college, or provided through another approved training organization.
- Length of the apprenticeship varies depending on the trade.
Why choose the skilled trades?
- Advances in technology are changing the nature of work in the trades. Changing technologies are also creating more new jobs every year.
- Canada is going to have a dramatic demand for people with excellent technical skills training in the skilled trades and technologies.
- Many tradespeople today will be retiring in the next ten years, leading to a shortage of skilled employees.
- Skilled tradespeople earn higher than average incomes.
- Many skilled tradespeople own their own businesses.
- 40% of new jobs will be in skilled trades and technologies in the next two decades.
Interested in learning about the Trades? Check out the Trades Report suitable for all grades. Please email your Guidance Counsellor for the Password.
Apprenticeship information (https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/training/support-skilled-trades-apprentices/become-apprentice.html)
Apprenticeship opportunities and information (http://www.apprenticesearch.com/)
Ontario College of Trades (https://www.ontariocolleges.ca/en/apply/skilled-trades/earn)
Apprenticeship Pathway Information (https://el.wcdsb.ca/apprenticeship-pathway/)
Information on Ontario College Programs – (http://www.ontariocolleges.ca/ontcol/home.html)
Applying to an Ontario College – (http://www.ontariocolleges.ca/ontcol/home.html)
Resource Guide for students with disabilities – (http://www.transitionresourceguide.ca/)
College Pathway Information (https://el.wcdsb.ca/college-pathway/)
Access to information on Waterloo Region Agencies – (http://accesswaterlooregion.ca/)
Developmental Services Ontario Central West Region – (http://www.dsocwr.ca)
Ontario Disability Information for persons with Disabilities – (https://www.ontario.ca/page/people-disabilities)
Community Pathway Information (https://el.wcdsb.ca/community-pathway/)
Information on Ontario University Programs (https://www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca/)
Applying to an Ontario University (http://www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-101/)
Resource Guide for students with disabilities (http://www.transitionresourceguide.ca/)
University Pathway Information (https://el.wcdsb.ca/university-pathway/)
Interested in the trades? Check out the Trades Report. You will need to contact your Guidance Counsellor for the password.
Job futures and labour market information (Labour Market)
Searching for work in Canada (https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/home-eng.do?lang=eng)
Workplace Pathway Information (https://el.wcdsb.ca/workplace-pathway/)
- My BluePrint
- Scholarships
- OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program)
- Check out the OYAP promo video
- Follow on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/@OYAPcoordinator
- UCEP (University Co-operative Education Program)
- CCEP (College Co-operative Education Program)
- SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major Program)
- OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program)