Welcome to Monsignor Doyle Mental Health and Wellness page. We have gathered a number of resources to grow your knowledge on mental health topics, learn a variety of daily wellness practices that can help you manage stress, get connected when additional supports are needed, and learn about how MDCSS is promoting wellness in our school community.

Bell Lets Talk Day – January 28th

Visit their Website

Hope Activity:

We can all agree that 2020 is a year many would like to forget.  Yet in all the negatives that happened last year, most of us can also find moments of hope.  Encourage your class to think back to 2020 and identify the hopeful moments.  An activity has been created that encourages students to identify and share through social media moments of hope.

Be sure to encourage your students (and yourself as well) to tweet it out to #BellLetsTalk and @WCDSBWellness, if you aren’t on Twitter you can email to www.OurWCDSB2020Stories@wcdsb.ca. For every tweet on the 28th Bell will donate 5 cents to mental health initiatives.  There will be a small prize for the tweet @WCDSBWellness that best captures the spirit of our theme.


Often people will reach out to friends, family, or other people they trust to mention or discuss concerns/problems they are having.  Sometimes, these concerns may seem small to the person being told, but to the individual who is experiencing the events, they are not.  Empathy is an important quality to have, but it is not necessarily something that comes naturally to everyone.  Being empathic to another individual requires you “feel with people” (Brown), not dismiss them or try to solve the problem.  This can often be difficult and does require practice!

Video: Brené Brown RSA Short: Empathy | Brené Brown (brenebrown.com)


The WCDSB has developed a website for students which outlines the supports that are available to them.  The video is a quick promotion of what the site has to offer students.

Video Resources

Other Resources/Links

Kids Help Phone: Vent it: Baseball

Kids Help Phone: Vent it: Music