Welcome to Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School, a school at the heart of Galt (Cambridge), Ontario. Monsignor Doyle is a Catholic Secondary School that offers a faith-based, inclusive education that meets the needs of every student. At Monsignor Doyle, through the efforts of our phenomenal teaching and support staff, we aim to fulfill our school motto “We walk the path of learning, faith and respect together” each and every day.
Monsignor Doyle offers a large school experience with all the benefits that come from an intimate, smaller school setting. We are confident we have staff with the knowledge and experience to meet the needs of every student. Our teaching staff are members of the Ontario College of Teachers, many with degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including the Master and Doctorate level. The teaching and support staff have a rich range of life experiences as Business owners, Artists, Computer Programmers, Skilled Labourers, Rock Band members with technical expertise in a variety of arenas, as well as past members of the National Ballet and National Athletic Teams.
Our staff are committed to live up to the theme for this year of ‘Encouragement, Energy and Enthusiasm … Excellence by Design!” We endeavor through our theme, coupled with our Board’s vision, to be the heart of the community, a place where every student can be successful.
Monsignor Doyle offers educational programs that meet the pathway needs of all our students which include College, Apprenticeship, University, Workforce as well as Active and Community Living Pathways. Monsignor Doyle is proud of our students’ accomplishments in the EQAO Provincial Literacy and Numeracy Tests and have graduates that have moved on to every field imaginable.
Monsignor Doyle is also the home of the Mustangs, offering an extensive co-curricular program that entices every student to join a club, team or activity. The Mustangs have a strong tradition in visual and performing arts including everything from band, guitar, choir, dramatic presentations and a variety of crafts. This year we are thrilled to announce that we will be presenting the production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’. The opportunity for our students to participate either on stage, behind the curtain or as part of the organization team is invaluable. In the athletic fields the Mustangs have a strong history in wrestling and badminton and have recently added girls’ and boys’ hockey, softball and rugby teams. This year the Mustangs will participate in the WCSSAA football league for the first time in the school’s history. Monsignor Doyle was also the recipient of the CIRA Ontario Outstanding Intramural Achievement Award and we have numerous clubs ranging from Writers Craft to the Heart Club, from Robotics to Reach for the Top. You name it, and we probably have it, and if we do not, we encourage students to approach a staff member to see what we can do to make it happen.
One of the many things that make Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School unique is our stance on Social Justice. The variety of awareness opportunities, fundraising initiatives, and hands on experiences that promote local, National and Global support for people that are less fortunate than we are is second to none. We have students who have attended the Waterloo ‘Me to We Day’ and have gone on to various world experiences through the Free the Children Organization. This year, in conjunction with the Waterloo Regional Police Services, we will be hosting ‘Rachel’s Challenge’ to assist our students making a difference for those in our school, our community and in our world. We send student representatives from our Generation for Life Club to Ottawa on an annual basis to take place in the Right to Life March. We are sending, in conjunction with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, students to be part of the ‘Dominican Experience’ which raises awareness and funds but also provides a hands on experience for our students to live with people from a third world nation. These extended experiences allow us to meet our boards’ mission, “As disciples of Christ, we educate and nurture hope in all learners to realize their full potential to transform God’s world” each and every day.”
We are proud of the Doyle school community. We encourage you to be a part of it and to celebrate with us throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to call us if you require any clarification with regards to Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School and the programs we offer.
Yours in Catholic Education,
Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School Administrative Team