Welcome to SCIENCE!
“As we study the natural world that God Created, we can see God’s Power, His invisible attributes and His nature.” (Romans 1:20)
Cars that drive themselves, bolder video games, better medicines, preserving the environment – technologies move forward every day. Without the work of scientists, engineers and other skilled workers most new products, innovations and discoveries would never be developed. Scientists study the natural world and try to deepen our understanding of how it works. They mostly concentrate in three areas: life, physics or social science. Engineers use creativity combined with science and math to design and build things like bridges, iPods, buildings and water filtration systems to improve the way we communicate, work, live, travel, maintain our health and enjoy our free time.
Program Staff
Ryan Gall
Sebastian Grasso
Grace Mchaina
Megan Rose
Jonathan Teahen
Steve Voeroes